1. I will be revising paper 1, the personal narrative.
2. The deadline will be March 22nd. Should I email it to you?
3. My appointment at the Reading-Writing Centers and Digital Studios is on March 8, 2017 at 8pm, with Chandler Wilson at the Strozier Library.
4. What I need to work on the most in my revision is the description of the process of coming up with the hashtag #behindthefilter in the group meeting, how we came up with it and what it really means. You also commented that I don’t need as much background on Instagram, but I believe it is important to show the difference between the usual pictures posted on Instagram and the #behindthefilter ones.
5. To accomplish that I will describe the meeting and the process of development of the hashtag I experienced. I will ask the tutor about what are other details he considerer helpful to add from the meeting and the pictures to describe their uniqueness. I will also ask if he thinks I should cite the group chat we have in which we communicated with each other and shared a print screen from the pictures.
6. With the new draft I hope to explain my experience in the community and how the new genre came up in a clearer and detailed way to help the readers visualize this process to better understand it.